The AMD EPYC 64 Core is a family of processors based on the Zen microarchitecture, developed for servers and embedded systems. It is an upgrade from the desktop processors that are made with high capabilities for workload-heavy tasks. It comes packed with more PCIe lanes, higher cache memory, and a core count of 64. These are the features that make it useful in the areas listed above.

Enhance Workload Performance

If you have a large data center or large organization that requires a high-performing CPU, then an AMD EPYC 64 Core is the best choice. This processor also comes with other features for security and scalability. With many PCIe lanes, you can expand the storage capacity of your server to meet your specific requirements.

Designed for Varied Applications

Whether you have enterprise applications, virtualization, cloud computing, and other data-demanding tasks, you need not hesitate. An AMD EPYC is an all-in-one solution that you need. You can upgrade your ProLiant DL385 gen10 server with this best-performing and cost-effective CPU from AMD. It is an investment that you will never regret.

Outstanding Performance Features

Get the best features for less when you choose AMD EPYC 64 Core. It is a working horse with incomparable features such as over 128 PCIe lanes, DDR4-3200 memory, and a high cache capacity. These features may differ slightly depending on the model, but each model can exceed the performance expectations.

Get the Best Value for Money

The AMD EPYC processors offer great value for money. From the low operational cost to the total cost of ownership, you get all of them in this just one chip. ALLHDD is here as your one-stop-shop for quality processors sourced directly from vendors. We can help you make sure that you got the best for your server at a low cost.

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